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Our services

Environmental Authorisation Applications

Basic Assessments, Full Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessments EIA’s


Water Use Licences, Mining, Borrow-Pits, Vegetation, Waste Licences, etc.

Strategic Environmental Planning

State of Environment Reporting, Spatial Development Framework input, Strategic Assessments, Coastal Zone Management Plans

Specialist Assessments

Avifaunal, Biodiversity, Ecological, Agricultural, Aquatic, Heritage, Palaeontologist etc.

Environmental Advisory

For large scale Renewable Energy projects including wind and solar farms.

Feasibility Studies

Environmental screening and fatal flaw analyses providing clients with detailed information pertaining to development requirements from an environmental legislation point of view, specialist studies that may be required and the detailed costings for the remainder of the project in terms of EIA’s, ECO, specialists etc.

Integrated Waste Management

IWMPs, Feasibility Studies, Permitting, etc.

Environmental Management

Environmental Control Officer ECO, Site Management, Rehabilitation, etc.

Environmental Training Courses

Facilitation, Preparation of training material, etc.

Climate Change

Carbon Footprinting, Frameworks, Sustainability Reporting


Geographical Information Systems Services

Indwe Environmental Consulting

Through strategic partnerships with other emerging consultancies we are able to offer a complete suite of specialist environmental services.